개 물림 사고를 가장 많이 일으키는 견종은?잡다 2021. 11. 23. 02:21반응형
출처 https://injuryprevention.bmj.com/content/7/4/321
Caution should be exercised in interpreting breed data with regard to both dog bite (numerator) and dog population (denominator) data.20, 21 Of households with dogs in the 1992 Melbourne household survey, 41.2% had pure breed and 58.8% cross breed dogs (154.7/100 000 and 220.7/100 000 households, respectively).13 Identification by breed proved unreliable, however, because of the uncertainty of breed assignment by owners and interviewers, particularly for cross breeds. Importantly, the term “pit bull” appears to be used for several breeds including the bull terrier, American Staffordshire bull terrier (also known as American pit bull terrier), and Staffordshire bull terrier. Confusion may be perpetuated by the media misinforming the public regarding dog breed.20, 22, 23
Dog bite and injury prevention—analysis, critical review, and research agenda
Objectives —To analyze Australian dog bite injury data and make international comparisons; to review risk and protective factors relating to the dog, injured person, and environment; and to recommend action for prevention and research. Methods —Austral
조사대상의 개물림 사고의 41.2퍼센트는 순수혈통 58.8는 잡종견에 의해서 발생했는데
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