이스라엘 올림픽 야구 대표팀 푸홀스한테 대표팀 합류 오퍼스포츠 2021. 5. 16. 16:14반응형
Israel's baseball team prepares for Tokyo Olympics as players worry about situation at home
Bob Nightengale
출처 USA투데이
이스라엘팀 로스터 멤버
1.They have a 42-year-old pitcher (Shlomo Lipetz) who works for a New York City winery.
뉴욕시티에서 와이너리로 일하고 있는 투수
2.They have a pitcher (Eric Brodkowitz) who works for Goldman Sachs.
골드만삭스에서 일하고 있는 투수
3.They have a pitching coordinator (Josh Zeid) from the Chicago Cubs’ front office who last pitched professionally four years ago.
현재 시카고 컵스 프론트에서 일하고 있으며 2017 wbc에서 한국팀을 침묵시키던 투수는 코칭 코디네이터로
4.They have a pitcher/first baseman (Ben Wanger) who graduated with a degree in economics and environmental engineering from Yale, earned his Master’s degree in entrepreneurship and innovation from USC and is now studying for his second Master’s in international business at Miami.
예일대에서 학부를 졸업하고 남가주 대학에서 석사학위를 받고 마이애미 대학에서 두번째 석사학위를 준비하고 있는 투수/1루수
5.And they have a World Series champion and four-time MLB All-Star (Ian Kinsler).
이안 킨즐러
6.“There’s so much pride here with the Israeli guys, especially the guys who were born there,’’ said former major leaguer Danny Valencia, raised by a Jewish mother and Cuban father.
토론토,오클랜드에서 활약한 1루수 대니 발렌시아
7.Former MLB Commissioner Bud Selig flew in Thursday from his Milwaukee home to catch them in action. Ryan Braun, the six-time All-Star and former National League MVP, said he gave serious consideration to joining the team before deciding to stay home with his family.
전 mlb 커미셔너 버드 실릭이 라이언 브론에게 대표팀 합류를 요청했으나 가족과 시간을 갖겠다고 말하며 정중히 거절.
7.Future Hall of Famer Albert Pujols even got a text from trainer Barry Weinberg asking him if wanted to hurry and become an Israeli citizen to play for the team.
푸홀스에게도 이스라엘 시민권을 줄테니 합류할 생각없냐고 대표팀 합류 요청
반응형'스포츠' 카테고리의 다른 글
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